

Becoming Architecture

Costa Rica - 2023

[AWARDED🏆] - Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y Arquitectos - SEDE SUR (Pérez Zeledón)

Design of the new Southern Headquarters of CFIA in Pérez Zeledón! Project awarded FIRST PLACE 🏆✨! Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y Arquitectos de Costa Rica.

We are thrilled to share one of our most cherished projects, an institutional building with a tropical character that aims to incorporate biomaterials such as bamboo and brick. It was designed by implementing biophilic architecture concepts that seek to connect the user with nature.

This design was the winner of the first place in the competition: Architectural Pre-project CFIA – Southern Regional Headquarters, organized by the Federated College of Engineers and Architects of Costa Rica.